Thomas Miller, Audiobook Narrator
Thomas Miller Narrated Audiobooks
Thomas Miller jumped on the audiobook bandwagon relatively early by today’s standards. He first started working with author Frederick Dodson in 2013, then internationally-renown astrologer Steven Forrest in 2020.
Fred’s books are now “Classics” and the High-Timeline titles to help you grow on your Journey are all listed here. Fred has other titles that are other categories available on Amazon, Audible and Apple Books.
Thomas has credited these books by Fred Dodson with changing his entire life, and you can have the same result. Immerse in these and you will be different! “High-Timeline” different!
Steven Forrest is an internationally renown astrologer with a penchant for the pen. The boy can write! You’ll instantly fall in love with his easy-to-hear style, his wit, and especially his knowledge of astrology. Thomas narrated six books for Steven, including his Legacy work, the 4-volume “Elements Series.” In addition, he recently completed “The Book of the Moon, rich in information about our reflective luminary, and “The Endless Sky,” a collection of over 70 broad-topic essays written over the last 20 years.
Frederick Dodson's "Classics" - The Reality Creation Series
Parallel Universes
of Self
The ultimate guide on shifting realities. Learn the “PURE” Technique in Chapter 5 to shift virtually any infinite reality. Chock full of exercises and techniques to explore parallel universes of reality.
The Reality Creation Technique
An excellent starting place to learn reality creation. This is a technique you will use over and over. Once you learn it, the process allows you to neutralize any situation so the Universe can create on your behalf.
Reality Creation and Manifestation
This is nearly 16-hours of Reality Creation exercises and techniques. It’s virtually impossible to listen/read this book and not have dozens of effective tools to create the reality you desire. Play with many of them!
Being Higher Self
This book begins where his “Parallel Universes of Self” ended. It teaches being the highest version of you that you can be, following your true life’s purpose, and accessing the essence of your spirit and soul that lies beyond the dualities of the mind. “Live (BE) Your Highest Timeline!”
Magnetic Wealth Attraction
Money might be the #1 reason people explore Reality Creation. This book is dedicated specifically to applying manifesting techniques to money.
Miracles of Attention and Awareness
A core manifesting principal is: “What You Focus on Expands.” This is 9.5 hours of learning tools and ways to focus without attachment to draw in the realities you desire!
Prosperity Consciousness
Prosperity is a mind-set. This book is about the psychological and spiritual factors involved in wealth-creation. It also includes a discussion on developing passive income, which leads to personal freedom.
Hidden Realities
Some realities are obvious. A new job, a partner, etc. But there are vast hidden realities around us everywhere. Tapping into these can help us expand our own current reality and open us to a realm of new possibilities.
Increase Your Energy
Our “energy state” comes from within. Modern culture throws many obstacles and blocks our way that we are often not aware of. This covers a broad range of topics from weight loss to addiction release, to experiencing states of flow, states of bliss and beyond.
Illumination of Consciousness
:Consciousness Creates Reality.” This book introduces The Enlightenment Technique, a quick method of self-inquiry that facilitates gradually release of subconscious beliefs & patterns that block your natural freedom and success.
Success Attracts Success
It’s commonly known in pro sports that athletes and teams get “on a roll.” Once they hit one mark, it’s much easier to hit the next. If you’re ready to hit the next mark, these techniques will inspire!
The Flow State
Whereas the author’s previous books emphasized conscious creation, this one emphasizes the opposite: a state of surrender and release, where you let your subconscious do most of the work for you. You learn to flow naturally so you stay “In the Zone.”
The Fred Dodson Levels of Energy Series
Levels of Energy
The book that more readers and listeners say changed their life, this is the “bedrock” of all Fred’s perspectives, both in the physical and non-physical worlds. To understand Fred Dodson’s work, begin here first.
Journeys in Spectral Consciousness - Levels of Energy Book 2
Where “Levels of Energy” leaves off (the high realms of the physical world, this book continues into the non-physical realms, where the scale continues.
Realms of Consciousness - Levels of Energy Book 3
This book focuses on the Higher Realms of Consciousness mentioned in Book 1, “Levels of Energy,” which is where most who read Book 1 want to pursue.
The Fred Dodson Intuition Series
Intuition Training
For many, intuition is their guiding light. It is said that prayer is us talking to God; Intuition is God talking to us. This is a guide-book on how to “tune-in” to that inner voice and learn to discern between the “monkey mind” and the inner voice of our Higher Self.
The Intuitive Awareness Method: "I AM"
This is a practical application technique of intuition that you can use many times a day to discern the best decisions according to your Highest Timeline. Extremely valuable and used regularly by serious Reality Creation practitioners.
The Fred Dodson Healing Series
You Can Heal Anyone
We are natural healers, we just don’t know how to use that inherent ability. The stories of Jesus are mostly about healing and casting out spirits. This book offers specific techniques to lay hands and command healing for yourself and others.
Clearing Entities
Non-physical malefic “entities” feed on human energy as their “food-source.” This can range from human emotions to human sexuality. This book explains how entities can appear in our lives, and specifically how to remove them.
Lives Of The Soul
This book basically explains all your remaining questions about “why am I here?” Our soul ‘designed’ this life, then we encounter synchronicities and choices around that design. Learn about all the missing pieces in this must-hear life-changer.
The Electromagnetic Self
“Everything is Energy,” and humans and other living beings are also electromagnetic energy! This book explores arcane and fascinating topics related to how our electromagnetic self operates that many are not aware of.
Other Fred Dodson Reality Creation & Learning
The Pleiades and our Secret Destiny
The author has twice been visited in this life by blue beings from the Pleiades. (He’s not crazy!) Why? And what else is out there? It also tells of an ancient war between the Pleiades and a serpent race, the destruction of a civilization on Mars and how our secret history is taught in ancient mythology around the globe.
Levels of
Heaven and Hell
This is a must for anyone who wishes to understand the concepts of Heaven and Hell. It compares what all the major, and some minor, religions believe about both, arriving at the conclusion that there are “Levels” to Heaven and Hell in the same way there are Levels to Energy.
Love, Sex & Soulmates
Will I find love? Can I energetically “attract” my soulmate? This concise book views love and relationships through the lens of energetic connection. It examines love, sex, male and female energetic-polarity, conscious relationships and soulmates.
Time Travel
Does “time travel” really exist? Can we experience another time-realm in this life? This book explores Time Travel as precognitive dreaming, de-materialization, with secret time machine technology and through consciousness travel, lucid dreaming and remote viewing.
The Communications Course
Communication and Self-Confidence go beyond what you say and do. They are matters of consciousness and energy-exchange. This book addresses Communication not taught in Academia or Corporate Courses because they dismiss ideas about “consciousness” and “energy”.