The cosmic saga of the “New Aira” continues just as outlined in Forecast 2024. These are exciting times, as we enter the midpoint of this “New Aira.”
In this year’s Forecast, you’ll discover:
- The importance of the approaching Aries Vortex, 2025-2027, as the center of the “New Aira” 2020-2032
- The historical importance of Neptune entering Aries and Uranus entering Gemini for the first time since 1861 and 1941 respectively and what it portends for world politics, economics, socio-cultural trends, and financial markets
- The importance of the mutable waxing square of Jupiter and Saturn within the context of world finances and new laws
- The schism between human creativity, ingenuity, and personal relationships, versus the application of artificial intelligence (AI) as a powerfully disruptive force in vocational endeavors, military operations, and world governance
This is the first in our series of Catherine Ponder meditations, taken from affirmations used in her Birmingham Prosperity Classes and quoted in “Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” and “Open Your Mind to Prosperity.”
Duration 30:34
This is based on the work of Neville Goddard who believed all manifestations begin with a vision and the accompanying feeling. After relaxing through some light tapping, we enter the Alpha brainwave state and visualize, feel and fix our belief on our “Wishes Fulfilled!”
Duration 38:00
Burt Goldman studied directly under Paramahansa Yogananda in LA in the 50s. In his 70s, Burt Goldman created “Quantum Jumping” based on Parallel Universes of reality. This meditation continues his legacy with a “Quantum Jump” into Prosperity!
Duration: 30:43
Get all three of these meditations for the price of two!
Limited Time Only!
- Catherine Ponder Prosperity
- Neville Goddard Imagination
- Quantum Jumping Prosperity
All for $9.97!
This 50-minute relaxation audio takes you into deep sleep in the astral realm where you will explore the high-vibration of love.
This meditation combines deeply relaxing music, binaural beats, a low brain wave frequency and Thomas’s smoothing voice. You are sure to fall asleep and experience deep rest with this astral meditation.
Duration: 50:49
Release Date: October 17, 2024
In celebration of my 65th birthday – A meditation that takes you to the Alpha or Theta brain frequency where the subconscious mind is more programmable.
The meditation is connected to a journalizing exercise to help you visualize and feel your intended reality!
Duration: 38:00
Release Date: October 27, 2024
This site is based on Affiliate links. Thank you for supporting High Timline living by purchasing from these links!
Steven Forrest's Book of the Moon!
This is a Steven Forrest “Classic” for sure! Humans have been meditating on the Moon since the beginning of our time on earth. As long as there has been anything we could call astrology, it has been central to all theories of celestial influence. But why do astrologers pay so little attention to its phases?
In this audiobook, Steven Forrest, bestselling author of “The Inner Sky,” shows how we have been blinded to the lunar phases by a set of cultural attitudes now drifting into extension.
Michele Blood's Video Book!
Podcast Interview with Michele Blood
NEW Release! Vision Board Creating

Vision Board Magic by
Jean Van't Hul!
Make Beautiful Vision Boards
to Help Manifest Your "Visions!"
Do you want something more out of your life? Do you have dreams you hope to manifest? Goals you’d like to achieve? In Vision Board Magic, coach and workshop facilitator Jean Van’t Hul offers inspiration and guidance that anyone can use to create a life of abundance, happiness, and fulfillment.
With over two decades of experience, Jean shows you how to harness the power of vision boards to reach your goals and make your dream life a reality. In these pages you’ll find keys to unlocking their magic:
- How vision boards work to bridge the gap between dreams and tangible outcomes
- Why saying yes to your own authentic desires is the key to true success
- Five methods for creating a vision board as a visual representation of your goals
- Practical tools, lifestyle design ideas, and manifestation techniques to implement now
- Ways to set yourself up for success and overcome obstacles along the way
You CAN have the life you desire. This book reveals the path that leads from where you are to where you want to be.
Through her book, Jean invites you to embark on a transformative journey that can turn your wildest dreams into vivid realities. Pick up Vision Board Magic today and start building the life you’ve always imagined.
The "Reality-Shifting Bible"
Parallel Universes of Self was one of the earliest books written on the subject of “Reality Shifting,” or infinite, parallel realities. Author Fred Dodson has had an intuitive knack for being ahead of upcoming popular trends.
Today, the idea of shifting our reality has become a phenomenon on TikTok, with nearly 10 billion views of videos on the topic. And with that, a recognition that Parallel Universes of Self by Frederick Dodson is recognized as still the top seminal work on the topic.
The book is timeless, so whether it was written last month or over a decade ago does not matter one bit. The concepts and exercises throughout the book will help you shift realities at any age or any time.
Join the “billions” of young viewers who are creating a “reality shifting wave!” Listen to, or read Parallel Universes of Self today!
Remember: No Subscription Necessary on Audible or Apple Books. Just order individually!
Other Reality-Shifting Recommendations!
"FRED-FOCUS" of the Month!
Fred Dodson Audiobook Spotlight
"Which Fred Audiobook Should I Listen To Next?"
Intuition Training
One of Fred’s top-ten books of all-time, Intuition Training is groundwork for living the intuitive life. Once you master what is here, you shift your “guiding light” to within instead of being guided by the ego.
This is the launch-pad to living your Highest Timeline from Intuition!
The Flow State
Now more than ever, we need the reminder to stay in the Flow State. So much is shifting in our world, and if we can just “Roll With the Changes” as the old 1978 song reminds us, we will allow Spirit to guide us from the Flow Within!
Meet Our Selected High-Timeline Authors
Click Photo for Author's Website!
Michele Blood was a successful songwriter and rock singer in Australia until a near-fatal car accident changed everything. She was fully healed by setting affirmations to music which had never been done before. Always creating new programs to assist others to manifest and wake up in consciousness. She now inspires millions worldwide with higher-consciousness Music and Books. She also worked closely with Bob Proctor on products and events for years. Enjoy her New World’s First Manifestation Video Book and Magnet To Money App.
Steven Forrest picked up his first astrology book while recovering from a tonsillectomy when he was a teenager. It was an instant love-affair that is in its seventh decade. His 4-Volume “Legacy” Elements Series will appear regularly on this site. It is the collection of his life’s work in just under 2,000 pages and an invaluable reference for any astrologer. Steve’s latest work is the “Forrest Center of Evolutionary Astrology,” advancing his style of soul-based Evolutionary astrology to the next generation.
Frederick E. Dodson is a seminar leader, Reality Creation coach and author of approximately 50 books in multiple languages on a variety of topics. A self-publishing genius, Fred’s books are popular around the world in teaching “Reality Creation” and “Reality Shifting.” Fred’s websites are and He posts engaging content regularly on “X” @realitycreation, and on YouTube.
Thomas Miller is an audiobook narrator, podcast host and author of “Fear Busters: 14 Ways to Kick Fear to the Curb.” He started in broadcasting anchoring the 6 & 10 news as a senior in college. Today, his “broadcasting” is spiritual, helping listeners in all 7 continents live “Their Highest Timeline!”
Dr. Joe Dispenza is a scientist, teacher, lecturer, and author who shifted his own reality after a near-fatal accident. He was one of the scientists featured in the award-winning film “What the BLEEP Do We Know!?” He is the author of several New York Times bestsellers including this month’s feature “You Are the Placebo.”

Burt Goldman pioneered “Quantum Jumping” and was a master-teacher of the reality-shifting paradigm. In his 70’s, Burt wanted to paint. So he “quantum jumped’ to a version of himself who was a painter. He sold art until his death. In his 80’s, he wanted to play piano. Same thing, and became an accomplished piano player without reading a note of music.
High Timeline Astrology!
"The Elements Series" by Steven Forrest
Skillfully written with very compelling and deep content about astrology and ultimately self-knowledge. As I heart it, it felt like he was speaking to me! – Audible Review
The first in the Elements Series, Fire coveres Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, as well as Mars, the Sun and Jupiter.
The Series expands with the Book of Air (more pages!) and covers Gemini, Libra and Aquarius as well as Mercury, Venus and Uranus.
The last and longest, in the Series, The Book of Water covers Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces as well as the Moon, Pluto and Neptune.
Robert Glasscock
Essentials on Astrology Series
For two generations, Noel Tyl’s thirty-three textbooks, international seminars and famed Masters Certification Course guided the teaching of astrologers worldwide. And even though Tyl has passed away, his acclaimed approach for artful, insightful, practical astrology lives on.
The TYL MasterWork Series – now available in crystal-clear digital download – sets new standards for transformational learning and dynamic presentation. While we no longer offer the nine videos on DVD, you can still own any or all of this unique series and experience them whenever you wish.
Light your learning and advance your career by purchasing the nine instructional works in this one-of-a kind MasterWork Series from Tyl’s official video producer, Rose Productions.

Astrologer Robert Glasscock
The Practice
of Astrology
Complete analysis of everything you need to know for a professional astrology practice, including: What kind of astrologer are you? How to work with every type of client. Why and How of on-the-spot rectification with clients. Everybody has four charts. A good astrologer is a good psychologist. Example charts and diagrams.
The Sixth House: Psychology of Self-integration
Fully understand what is actually uncovered through one of the most important (if not the most important) houses in the horoscope, on which all adult development is based. Practical, experiential (not theoretical) astrology. Detailed analyses of example charts. Tables and diagrams.
Using degrees:
A Lifetime at a Glance
Everything you need to read an entire lifetime is already right in front of you in the horoscope. Refine readings with additional techniques such as Angles and Life Cycles, Decanates, Duads and Turning Points. Birthdates of Significant Others in Your Life. Degrees in the chart can tell you so much, it’s mind-boggling! Learn this technique now!
Introduction to Robert Glasscock’s series, “Notes on Essentials of Astrology,” based on over 60 years of professional astrology practice. The series includes the art, science, techniques and practical considerations of astrological practice for amateur and professional astrologers.