Michele Blood
Michele Blood
Michele Blood was a successful songwriter and rock singer in Australia until a near-fatal car accident changed everything. She was fully healed by setting affirmations to music which had never been done before. Always creating new programs to assist others to manifest and wake up in consciousness. She now inspires millions worldwide with higher-consciousness Music and Books. She also worked closely with Bob Proctor on products and events for years. Enjoy her New World’s First Manifestation Video Book and Magnet To Money App.
Learn more about Michele by going to TheMysticalExperience.com
Are you ready to embark on an empowering journey towards abundance and transformation? Open your mind, watch, listen, and let your reality flourish with the wisdom of ages past. The life you want is just a step away.
Michele's Downloadable Audiobooks
With our thoughts, we create the world. You can use your thoughts to create an awesome life through this wonderful audiobook. This audiobook gives you clear tools to change your circumstances and life in the most joyful and totally unique ways.
Embarking on this transformative journey is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that holds the key to unlocking your true potential! With the combined wisdom and expertise of the illustrious Bob Proctor and the extraordinary Michele Blood, this program is the catalyst for unleashing the untapped power within you.
This Book has inspired millions worldwide including the great Bob Proctor, Loyd Conant to start Nightingale Conant, and Rhonda Byrne to create “The Secret” which was based upon this book. This powerful audiobook read by Michele Blood, “THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH”, by Wallace D. Wattles, includes explanations and MusiVation™ Technology to help one process the information exponentially.
This POWERFUL audio download and mystical book of truth by the author of “The Science of Getting Rich”, Wallace D. Wattles, is a MUST for anyone desiring to allow their TRUE Greatness to unfold. This audiobook read by Michele Blood includes explanations plus MusiVation™ Mind Technology to profoundly assist you in shifting your old belief systems to greatness.
Here Michele uses her MusiVation™ technology combined with creative visualization. This is an extremely powerful tool to accelerate the mind to new thoughts of wealth and prosperity. The subconscious mind thinks in pictures, so utilizing Michele’s visualization technique allows your subconscious to literally see your dreams on the screen of your mind.
Embarking on this transformative journey is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that holds the key to unlocking your true potential! With the combined wisdom and expertise of the illustrious Bob Proctor and the extraordinary Michele Blood, this program is the catalyst for unleashing the untapped power within you.
This Book has inspired millions worldwide including the great Bob Proctor, Loyd Conant to start Nightingale Conant, and Rhonda Byrne to create “The Secret” which was based upon this book. This powerful audiobook read by Michele Blood, “THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH”, by Wallace D. Wattles, includes explanations and MusiVation™ Technology to help one process the information exponentially.
Here Michele uses her MusiVation™ technology combined with creative visualization. This is an extremely powerful tool to accelerate the mind to new thoughts of wealth and prosperity. The subconscious mind thinks in pictures, so utilizing Michele’s visualization technique allows your subconscious to literally see your dreams on the screen of your mind.
Michele's eBooks
This eBook goes way BEYOND THE SECRET. It covers the basics right through to the highest levels of consciousness. A must for anyone’s personal, success library. Years from now you could be looking back at this small investment in this eBook as the wisest decision you have ever made.
With our thoughts, we create the world. You can use your thoughts to create an awesome life through this wonderful eBook. This eBook gives you clear tools to change your circumstances and life in the most joyful and totally unique ways.
Please enjoy this eBook, which may assist you to either learn about meditation practices or to gain more skill and focus into your present practice. This eBook may not be long in page number but may it assist you in bringing more power, success, joy, and peace into your heart and life.
This eBook goes way BEYOND THE SECRET. It covers the basics right through to the highest levels of consciousness. A must for anyone’s personal, success library. Years from now you could be looking back at this small investment in this eBook as the wisest decision you have ever made.
With our thoughts, we create the world. You can use your thoughts to create an awesome life through this wonderful eBook. This eBook gives you clear tools to change your circumstances and life in the most joyful and totally unique ways.
Please enjoy this eBook, which may assist you to either learn about meditation practices or to gain more skill and focus into your present practice. This eBook may not be long in page number but may it assist you in bringing more power, success, joy, and peace into your heart and life.
Welcome to your new journey as a Successful, Creative Writer. Not too many people know that writing a book can be easy and accomplished in 3-30 days. Most see book writing as this long, arduous process that can take years to complete. This is true only if you use old methods of writing a book. That’s why I’m excited to share this fun and exciting method with you that can have you write your book faster than you can imagine.
Michele's Positive Music Albums
These are the world-famous affirmation songs.
Listen and transform your mind.
Are you happy with every area of your financial and career life now? Do you feel the need to be kicked just to get up in the morning? What happened to your passion or your purpose? Well, with this POWERFUL MP3 program you will again create in you and all the people you work with a POWER TEAM.
The Power of Mind over Matter does Create Miracles.
These affirmation songs will infuse your consciousness with the healing and positivity that is required for you to experience a happier, healthier, harmonized life.
This eBook goes way BEYOND THE SECRET. It covers the basics right through to the highest levels of consciousness. A must for anyone’s personal, success library. Years from now you could be looking back at this small investment in this eBook as the wisest decision you have ever made.
Are you happy with every area of your financial and career life now? Do you feel the need to be kicked just to get up in the morning? What happened to your passion or your purpose? Well, with this POWERFUL MP3 program you will again create in you and all the people you work with a POWER TEAM.
The Power of Mind over Matter does Create Miracles. These affirmation songs will infuse your consciousness with the healing and positivity that is required for you to experience a happier, healthier, harmonized life.
These MP3s are a must for all parents and teachers who desire for their children to grow up with an attitude of joy, love, and with a great positive, I CAN attitude. Filled with amazing, positive fun songs for kidz from newborns 0 – 7.
These MP3s are a must for all parents and teachers who desire for their children to grow up with an attitude of joy, love, and with a great positive, I CAN attitude. Filled with amazing, positive fun songs for kidz from newborns 0 – 7.
Michele's World-Famous Apps
And with our new Magnet to Money App, you can become an unstoppable force for RAPIDLY attracting money into your life and gaining Higher Consciousness.
Are you ready to embark on an empowering journey towards abundance and transformation? Open your mind, watch, listen, and let your reality flourish with the wisdom of ages past. The life you want is just a step away.
And with our new Magnet to Money App, you can become an unstoppable force for RAPIDLY attracting money into your life and gaining Higher Consciousness.
Are you ready to embark on an empowering journey towards abundance and transformation? Open your mind, watch, listen, and let your reality flourish with the wisdom of ages past. The life you want is just a step away.